Our Pastor

On Sunday, August 28, 2011, Pastor Jones along with his family reported for duty at The First Glory Baptist Church. Although he had a smile he was burdened with the task and the role of Pastoring God’s People. That burden was similar to the burden that Solomon experienced when he became God’s anointed King. When God said,” Ask. What shall I give you?” Solomon said, “Now grant me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead these people, for who can judge this great people of yours?” The burden was ‘These People,” After every sermon good Pastors are concern about the delivery of the message, was it successful, did it reach the people, did it penetrate the heart, will people respond appropriately and did he deliver God’s message or his message?

Pastoring is a duty to uphold with boldness, sincerity, consistency, and tenderness in these perilous times. Pastor Jones has been blessed to serve as Pastor of The First Glory for the past eight years. There have been challenges and blessings, ups and downs, conflicts and serenity.

He is so thankful for those who have allowed him to become their Pastor. He realizes that it is not the title that makes him the Pastor, but the services he has rendered over the past eight years. With any relationship there are ups and downs. However, in the words of Paul Jones “I won’t complain! The good days remarkably outweigh the difficult days.

He is so grateful for his loving wife who has been an additional anchor along with Christ. Carol has been the cream in his coffee and the sugar in his tea. Continue to pray for our Pastor as he works on the vision that the Lord has given him for First Glory. His vision is to edify the membership through spirit lead teaching and preaching and for our church to be a beacon in this neighborhood.

He is burden with the task of making our church relevant not only to members but to our community. He has been energized to tell this generation that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. In addition he has been energized by the Holy Spirit to tell a dying world that there is a more excellent way of living through Jesus Christ. By working with our Pastor this vision is coming to pass. He is so grateful for the opportunity to minister to the best Church in the United States of America. Your Pastor has reported for duty, how about you?

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First Glory Missionary Baptist